
Microsclerotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for thread and spider veins which has been practiced in Europe for many years.

Thread veins not only cause cosmetic concern due to appearance, but can also cause throbbing, itching, aching, burning and cramps.

Injecting a sclerotherapy solution into these veins destroys and disintegrates the endothelial cells which then destroys the media and adventitia. This in turn causes the body to respond by creating a sclerothrombus which occludes and destroy the vessel. The body then breaks down and reabsorbs the left over fibrous cord.

The rate at which microsclerotherapy works is dependant on the body metabolism and immune response. However, in general do not expect results for up to 8 weeks. Leaving 12 weeks in between injection session. Depending in the severity of the veins a repeat treatment is sometimes recommended.

Consultation 20 mins, treatment up to 30 mins. Compression stockings will be supplied, and need to be worn consistently for 72 hours then during the day for 2 weeks post treatment.