alumier md chemical peels

All peels include bespoke before and after treatments to protect and infuse the skin. Each treatment also includes a 5 day post procedure kit.

Radiant 30

Is a gentle multifactorial alpha-hydroxy acid resurfacing containing 30% pure Lactic Acid to reduce the visible signs of aging and discolouration.

Total time 45 mins.

Includes 5 day post care procedure kit

radiant 20/10

A powerful combination alpha and beta hydroxy acid resurfacing peel, containing 20% lactic acid and 10% salicylic acid that both rejuvenates skin and reduces the signs of acne.

Total Time 45 mins

Includes 5 day post procedure kit

BioRePeel is an Italian chemical peel with a blend of 6 acids (TCA, Lactobionic, Salicylic, Tartaric, Citric and Aminobutyric), 4 Amino Acids (Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline and Arginine) and vitamins C and B2.

BioRePeel is lipohilic which not only protects and restores hydration, it also revitalises and biosimulates, encouraging fibroblast activity. This exfoliating action results in a reduction of fine lines, acne scaring, comedones and pore reduction.

This peel is amazing for active acne, black heads, milia, and fresh scarring (older scarring would benefit from microneedling).

Treatment is not only for the face, but areas of the body that have also been affected, typically the back and decolletage

Consultation time 15 mins, treatment 10 mins.